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paper-free compliance with all HACCP regulations!

What are HACCP regulations?

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points and is the current risk analysis system for food products in Belgium. It’s a preventive system designed to manage risks and ensure that food products meet European standards of food safety.

The 7 food safety principles

The HACCP system for food products comprises seven principles that you need to put into practice to be awarded your HACCP certificate:

Hazard analysis

Hazard analysis


HACCP, which stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points, is a risk analysis system for food products. The hazard analysis must guarantee that the chance of contamination during the production process is kept to an absolute minimum.

Critical control points

Critical control points


The critical control points, or CCPs, identified in the hazard analysis are the points in the production process where there is a risk of contamination. For example, these points are often associated with product temperatures and are commonly linked to e.g. incoming goods checks, heating up or cooling products, storage, and similar.

Critical limits

Critical limits


Every CCP must be assigned critical limits and if any parameter is not within its critical limits, the process is deemed non-conforming. These limits are typically defined in law, at least in general terms.

Monitoring procedures

Monitoring procedures


Monitoring procedures are designed to track each of the CCPs. We establish a plan for each CCP, determining how it will be monitored and checked, and how often. The readings need to be recorded in a logbook so that you can produce them for an audit.

Corrective actions

Corrective actions


If a CCP parameter is found to be outside critical limits during the production process, this represents a non-conformity. A non-conformity must always be dealt with by means of a corrective action. This action comprises the steps you take to resolve the non-conformity.

Verification procedures

Verification procedures


These are periodic checks that the HACCP plan is still working effectively and remains watertight. They are a way of making sure that your hazard analysis is always up to date. The checks may be carried out as part of an internal or external audit.

Record-keeping and documentation system

Record-keeping and documentation system


Quality Guard bundles all these steps into the Food Safety App. Everything is digitally bundled on one platform. Non-conformities are automatically recorded and the corrective action can be implemented straight away.

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